Welcome to my blog on this blog you will find work that i have done throughout the year and group work of three slasher film openings with, Ben Brearley & Declan Williams.
On this blog you will also see the research planning and production aspects of the film of which we are producing.
The working title for our slasher is Black Nightmare.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

My Pitch for a Slasher Opening


Narrative synopsis
My idea is start off the film with five friends travelling to the lakeside in a camper van for there holiday, as they have heard that there are rumours that there are certain berries which grow on bushes which cause people to hallucinate. once they have set up camp for the night they go and collect these berries and start taking them, however there is one certain berry that isn't meant to be consumed as it causes people to have mental fits and potentially kill them. One of the five consumes one of these berries and starts to see at different stages throughout the night a certain being killing her friends in the most unpleasant ways, however there is a twist in the tale and it turns out that the girl who consumed the wrong berry is actually the person who has been killing her friends as the berry has caused her to go mental.

Writing title
A night to be remembered... 

Its X meets Y
The two films that meet in my film are, Shrooms & Eden Lake

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Narrative Representation in 3 Slasher Opening Task TBC

Considering what to expect in the film e.g. sex age textuality, archetype and include your own interpretation. Always back it up with a specific detail from what you can see from the text and use semiotics to denote and connote and explain and say why the signifiers were used and why they were chosen to be shown.
E.g. A red rose connotes romance.
look at the characters clothing and how they speak.
E.g. Adult figures of authority and showing their power to inferior characters such as children.


  • Evil characters are seen as the outsiders or abnormal characters
  • Hero characters will come across as shy and timid sometimes

The three opening slasher scenes that i have looked at are, Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie,2009), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Marcus Nispel, 2003) and A Nightmare on Elm street (Samuel Bayer, 2010).

Halloween 2

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

A Nightmare on Elm street 

Friday 7 December 2012

Idents & Titles Analysis

Slasher (2001)
Low budget indie movie $165K. No titles.
Set like a game show, no idents or main titles viewed even after the main plot was set.

Urban Legend (Jamie Blanks, 1998)
Budget: $14m and box office made $38m in the US and £1.1m in the UK. Trimark and Phoenix were the idents for this movie. It didn't have any digetic music over the titles, this stopped after 2.31s and eventually after this the movie titles started to play again.

Scary Movie (Wayanes,2000)
Budget: $19m (low budget for American film), it made $157m in the box office.
Dimensions Films is the only ident that was on screen.

Mad House (William Butler, 2004)
Opening plot is a wall with blood all over them, there is no credits or titles until the opening scene has run through and the guy is killed by a car. The titles appear with white text on a black background. Lions Gate ident.

Black Christmas (Bob Clarke, 1974)
Serif font used quiet often in the opening titles. First thing you see is the ident for Rouge Pictures, this eventually disappears of screen.

Cry Wolf (Jeff Waldow, 2005)
An ident for Rouge pictures appears on screen at the begging of the titles and gradually fades away, as this occurs hypnotic pictures ident appears on screen. The opening scene titles show the font in what appears to look like a type writer style and looks decayed.

Donkey Punch (
Warp Films ident and Film 4 idents appear on screen during the opening titles. They are both then followed by the title of the film which is in serif font.

Dressed to Kill ( Brian De Palma, 1980)
Has a Metro Goldwyn Mayer ident that Samuel Z Arkoff ident that follows that with roughly 6 titles on this.

All the boys love Mandy Lane (Levine, 2006)
Only the one ident. The colours are very dull as they are a grey and black, there is very little audio. The ident that appears is Occupant Films. It has a very strong serif font signifying a knife. There are only 4 titles viewed in the opening scene.

April Fools Day (Fred Walten, 1996)
Idnet of Paramount Pictures, and then a Hotel Films productions. The titles end 5minutes in and 13 titles.

Babysitter Wanted (Jonas Barnes & Micheal Manaserri, 2008)
Large screen ident (The Independent Film Company).
Music is similar between idents, white sans serif font is used in the title.

5ive Girls (Waren Sonoda, 2006)
Alliance Atlantis is the ident. This ident has a lot of animations. The second ident that gradually appears on screen is Archetype Films, this doesn't stay on screen for too long. Eventually the titles for the film start to appear 4minutes in. Use of blood in the titles add graphic detail to the titles.
Voice over of a man reading.
Warp films

Wednesday 5 December 2012

My Idents Vodcast

We individually had too look at 4 films each, i did leprechaun 1,2,3 and 4. I then paired up paired up with Ben and looked at his films and idents.

My Ident

 In class we were asked to create a fully operational ident. This is my ident