Welcome to my blog on this blog you will find work that i have done throughout the year and group work of three slasher film openings with, Ben Brearley & Declan Williams.
On this blog you will also see the research planning and production aspects of the film of which we are producing.
The working title for our slasher is Black Nightmare.

Friday 15 February 2013

DW - Black Nightmare: Casting & Location

Final girls house
The location we have in mind for the slasher film is my house where we have found a great spot to shoot what we believe would be a good opening to a slasher film it has all the right credentials such as a long road coming down a hill and a two floor house where it would be ideal to shoot it due to it being a confined space


  • Killer - Ben Brearley
  • Scream Queen - Lucy Johannson
  • Scream Queen's Boyfriend - Will Coates
  • Final Girl - Mel Elam

We also have another couple of ideas which we would shoot for the trailer of the film. which are in a field not too far away from my house  and a sort of wooded area in which we could create some scary effects for the trailer itself.


Needs a motive to kill and a story behind the mask, an example of this is Jason Voorhees' hockey mask in Friday the 13th as he breaks in to a store and picks up some clothes he discovers his iconic hockey mask and uses it in the rest of the Friday the 13th franchise, and we've chosen to go for the butcher look for our killer for the obsession with chopping meat, in this case human meat.

 Scream Queen's Boyfriend:

 We are going to use the stereotypical jock of a boyfriend who isn't scared and can confront the killer but 
results in being killed , to signify him being this stereotypical jock he'll be wearing an sportsman top/hood, and an example of the stereotypical 'Jock' boyfriend is Steve from Scream who only appears at the opening with his girlfriend not saying much as he's killed off but he's sporty, also this links with the narrative that our 'Jock' will have as he won't have much to say like Steve in Scream.

Scream Queen:

With our film we're going to go for the stereotypical scream queen instead being blond and sexually active, an example of a stereotypical scream queen is this one from Scream where she is blond and comes across as being sexually active. We've decided to not stray away from the common stereotypical scream queen so the audience can recognise our characters and so it's easier to follow.

Final Girl:

In our film the final girl will be a counter type to the normal stereotypical academic, sensible and brunette. Instead she'll be blond and less academic , this making the audience think she'll be the scream queen when in actual fact she'll be the final girl.

Thursday 7 February 2013

BB-The Big Six

The Big Six are the 6 main world wide productions companies who produce and distribute films. A sub company owned by a bigger company is called a conglomerate company in other words is an indie production company. An example of this is NBC Universal. 20th Century Fox and is a Subsidiary also Working Titlke is one aswell which means that they are owned by a major company but fund their own .money and produce their own films.
However there are 7 on this photo lions gate are still not considered as one of them however being on this screen shot. 

Horizontal Integration is when all the different media companies benefit each other by advertising each other in their media work.

Vertical Integration is where one conglomerate company does all three processes of film making, Production, Distribution and Exhibition.