Welcome to my blog on this blog you will find work that i have done throughout the year and group work of three slasher film openings with, Ben Brearley & Declan Williams.
On this blog you will also see the research planning and production aspects of the film of which we are producing.
The working title for our slasher is Black Nightmare.

Monday 19 November 2012

Micro Drama: The Shoot

Our micro drama took place at Ben's house, we choose to do it there as this allowed us to make to make the best use of natural light and background noises which helped create the realism. Also this provided us with reasonable amounts of room to shoot and different varieties of rooms in which we could use to make the micro drama as good as possible. Unfortunately however due to poor weather conditions this limited the amount of scenes which could be taken outside as we did not want to take the risk of damaging the recording equipment. 

This shot was one of the few taken outside as the weather became progressively worse

One of the best features when creating our micro drama was the natural light and how it worked, this meant that it created a sense of realism and added extra effect to our video. In one of our scenes shot in the micro drama myself and the others are stood at the top of the staircase looking down into the basement, as we had positioned the camera in a good position looking up at us from the bottom of the staircase the use of natural light created shadows against the walls of our silhouettes, this added the sense of mystery and suspense to out micro drama. However natural lighting didn't work out all the time as when it became darker it was harder to capture the footage.

This shot shows how natural lighting helped capture the shadows and add effect 

If i was to do this again i would, take more shots more often to help build suspense, i would reduce the amount of long takes as this doesn't help build up the tension especially if you are creating or attempting to create a horror, i would also add in a few more false scares to make the audience jumpy and finally i would try and use a few more close up shots and concentrate on the small details such as peoples expressions or certain objects in a room that people are picking up just to help make the audience experience what the person acting is experiencing. 

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