Welcome to my blog on this blog you will find work that i have done throughout the year and group work of three slasher film openings with, Ben Brearley & Declan Williams.
On this blog you will also see the research planning and production aspects of the film of which we are producing.
The working title for our slasher is Black Nightmare.

Friday 25 January 2013

Assessing past coursework

Tiny Terror

  • title intertextuality from Scream 1996.
  • long slow notes used in music.
  • sounds like a kids toy.
  • title sharp serif font fades in and out.
  • connotation of point of view shot with the branches signifying hiding.
  • false scare nice and early, always nice in a slasher movie.
  • intertextuality from the omen 'Damien you little devil'.
  • ellipsis signified by fade out then in.
  • girl room signified by pink walls and posters etc.
  • dutch angle signifies something not quite right.
  • Dialogue is used for exposition.
  • Bra thrown on the box to suggest sexual activity, cut away shot also providing with the throwing of the object.

  • holding a bottle of booze which signifies your dead.
  • titles white on black.
  • camera is shaky to signify the boy is drunk.
  • camera in bushes to signify someone is watching.
  • ellipsis is poor because it does not show the killing and just jumps to someone been dragged, also no digetic sound.
  • good blood effect on the show to signify he's been hurt.
  • good narrative enigma.
  • CCTV effect to show the character high angled shot to signify it is CCTV and the editing on the camera.
  • not quick enough shot pace, too slow, not as much of a sense of panic as there should have been.
Red Run
  • missing digetic sound,just slow drawn out music.
  • lack of verisimilitude e.g. kettles been turned on yet we do not hear it.

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