Welcome to my blog on this blog you will find work that i have done throughout the year and group work of three slasher film openings with, Ben Brearley & Declan Williams.
On this blog you will also see the research planning and production aspects of the film of which we are producing.
The working title for our slasher is Black Nightmare.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Class Notes 23/1/2013

Looking at the other overview vodcasts from the class

  • Poppy, Kate, Millie
Looking at psycho and the archetype of the girl in the opening shot shows an early archetype and earl final girl and scream queen. slasher name is linked
with the killing.

Texas chainsaw massacre was a massive hit with slasher genre. showed vast improvements from the older slasher film psycho. despite being a low budget film the violence scenes kick in almost instantly.

Black Christmas TCM are examples of films which have been remade.

Black Christmas was a good  example of the slasher genre being easy too shoot because you can film it it any one house meaning that the location isn't large and therefore money can be saved.
Black Christmas TCM and psycho all have been remade showing that they were good films but need tweaking to make them good. some characters from previous films tend to be in the sequel as they have survived the killer in the first film.
Final girl as the movie goes on becomes more physically and mentally tough. Usually the final girl looks old fashioned and not very sexually appealing. Childish attributes for the scram queen and silly behaviour often occurs. The final girl generally is portrayed as intelligent, brunette and not sociable.
The two type of musical techniques used to make a psychological impact on the viewers are, raise the tempo of the music (speed) to raise your heart beat and then the second is to use long notes which make you hold your breath. If both can be mixed together it messes with your heart and can cause a scare.
  • Tilly, Hannah and James
Looking at peeping tom and the sub genre  of horror and slasher contrasting with one another. proto slasher is another way you would say what the genre of the film is linking in with the film scream and the 'who done it' sort of aspect to the film. A tropp is something that occurs quiet frequently which is largely recognised.  The first sign of scyfi coming into the genre would be from 'Halloween' where Micheal Myers is shot repeatedly and when they go to find his body he is no longer there. The more modern types is Leprechaun. Hybrid movies are genres mixed together. Postmodern slasher, first example is 'scary movie'.

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