Welcome to my blog on this blog you will find work that i have done throughout the year and group work of three slasher film openings with, Ben Brearley & Declan Williams.
On this blog you will also see the research planning and production aspects of the film of which we are producing.
The working title for our slasher is Black Nightmare.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Evaluation Q2 Representations

All of the actors and actresses viewed in our opening scene are aged 16 - 17. We wanted to make our killer seem a lot older aged about 30 so that this would help our secondary audience which is people aged in there 20's. This helped us allow our film appeal to a larger audience.

The characters in our film are all from West Yorkshire and have Yorkshire accents, this is  not a very commonly known accent this means that people from other countries such as America, some parts of Europe and even parts of England would not understand what is been said. Therefor we would not aim our target audience to be Americans. Despite the Yorkshire accents the movie is a slasher film which commonly many people are not overly fussed about the accents in which the characters speak nor the location in which the film is made as they are only interested in the gore and the thrill they gain from the movie.

Characters that are viewed in our opening scene

The first characters that are viewed in the opening scene of out film are, the final girl, the scream queen, the jock and the killer at certain points. The final girl in our film is the classic stereotype of the final girl with brunette hair and wearing clothes that signifies she is a rather nerdy person who is intellectual and has a very small social life. At the beginning of our film she is seen getting out of a car and carrying her studying books in her arms down the road. The next character that we show in our opening scene is the scream queen, she is typically blonde and busty and sexually active, in the opening scene she is seen exiting the car with the final girl and her boyfriend (the jock). Finally the last character that we view in the opening scene is the killer, we only view him a couple of times throughout the opening scene cutting back and forth between shots. He is your typical killer with a certain weapon which is relevant to his history or his profession. I have connoted my characters as the stereotypical characters you would imagine to find in a slasher movie.


Final Girl 

The final girl in our film we based around Laurie Strode who was the final girl in the classic Halloween.
She represents the stereotypical final girl carrying her study books as she is getting out of the car and is wearing her school clothes with her skirt rather low to connote that she is rather intellectual and has a minimum social life.


Scream Queen

The scream queen in our film opening is based on the classic stereotypical scream queen from all slasher genre's. She represents the stereotypical scream queen as she is blonde and busty. She also represents the role well as when she gets out of the car she walks inside the house with her boyfriend ( the jock ) and we see further into the opening scene the pair of them going into the bedroom and shutting the curtains behind them to connote the fact they are a partaking in sexual activity.


Finally the killer in our film opening is based on many classic slasher movies such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween where both the killers are wearing masks to hide there identity. We also included this in our film to build narrative enigma until the end of the film where the killer is finally revealed. He wears a black mask to hide his identity and his common choice of weapon is a meat cleaver. The reason for this is due to the fact that we linked our killer to have had a past as a butcher who over years psychological obsession with a certain teenage girl becomes a killer.

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