Welcome to my blog on this blog you will find work that i have done throughout the year and group work of three slasher film openings with, Ben Brearley & Declan Williams.
On this blog you will also see the research planning and production aspects of the film of which we are producing.
The working title for our slasher is Black Nightmare.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Breakfast on Pluto

Director: Neil Jordan

Release date: 13th January 2006(UK)
Run time: 129 minutes
Budget+Box office: $3,942,254

Opening Scene Time: 3minutes 25

Official trailer for 'Breakfast on Pluto'

List of the company idents:

Sony pictures classics.png



Shot Types

The first 20 shots viewed in the opening scene of 'Breakfast on Pluto' show various different types of camera shots, different types of camera angles and the usage of various different types of camera movement. In the first 20 shots captured there is a few types of camera shots including, over the shoulder where we view Patricia "Kitten" Braden (leading actor)'s point of view when she is strolling through the town centre pushing her pram. I think that the director (Neil Jordan) decided to take this shot to help create and allow the viewers to understand what Patricia ''Kitten'' Braden is seeing. Also during the first 20 shots viewed the director uses Point-of-view shots (POV), Close Up shots, and a Establishing shot to help set the scene, to give the viewer information about where the scene is set (in this case the scene is set in Ireland in a small town just next to the countryside).

These types of shots were purposely used to help establish who Patricia ''Kitten'' Braden actually was and the background information about the character. The choice of the POV shot allows the viewer to see what Patricia is seeing when she is walking through her town with the pram 1:11-1:24. 
The choice of a medium close-up shot allowed the director to help the viewers see what Patricia looks like and give them a sense of an idea what Patricia may be like and the type of lady she is. Also this shot shows the background and it also shows the body language of the character. 

At the start of the opening scene Neil Jordan has used music all the way through to show the viewer that what they are seeing is the opening scene and the music helps give the viewers a idea of who the character is , and what they may be like e.g. there interests or there background. To end the opening scene Neil slowly fades out the music to address that the movie had reached the start of the story.

Cillian Murphy as Patrick "Kitten" Braden


A made-up Patrick "Kitten" Braden, pushing a baby in a pram and flirting innocently with construction workers, introduces her life story. The story is set over 30 chapters about Patrick's life story, which is set in the fictional Irish town of Tyrellin, near the border of Northern Ireland in the late 1940's. Patrick's mother abandons him on the doorstep of the local parochial house where his father, Father Liam, lives. He is then placed with an unloving foster mother. The story quickly jumps into Patrick's teenage years, and how he survives after his step mother kicks him out of his home an he runs away with a band, here he meets a man called Billy who he falls in love with. Patrick uses the the name Patricia ''Kitten'' Braden to get around and comes across many difficulties in his life. His main aim is to finally get to London to find his birth mother and to be reunited with her, however things don't run smoothly for Patrick as he finds himself doing various jobs and also been forced into prostitution. Eventually Patrick (Patrica) finds her true love Charlie and move to London after there house is bombed by the IRA, as they flee Patrick bumps into his birth mother at the doctor's office, where Charlie is getting post-par tum care.

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