Welcome to my blog on this blog you will find work that i have done throughout the year and group work of three slasher film openings with, Ben Brearley & Declan Williams.
On this blog you will also see the research planning and production aspects of the film of which we are producing.
The working title for our slasher is Black Nightmare.

Monday 15 October 2012

Film Opening (2) Sunshine

 Sunshine (Danny Boyle,2007)

DVD Cover


Box Office


£26,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

£1,021,063 (UK) (8 April 2007) (407 Screens)


$32,017,803 (Worldwide)          

 50 years into the future, the Sun begins to die, and Earth is dying as a result. A team of astronauts are sent to revive the Sun - but the mission fails. Seven years later, a new team are sent to finish the mission as they are Earth's last hope.

 Official release trailer for Sunshine
The company idents featured in the opening scene are:

  • Fox Searchlight Pictures
Other company idents not featured in the opening scene include:
  • DNA Films
  • Ingenious Film Partners
  • Moving Picture Company (MPC)
  • UK Film Council

In this first scene viewed in the opening of the film 'Sunshine' the director has used a extreme long shot to establish the setting of where the the movie is or could potentially be taking place. Also the first shot shows the sun shining above the horizon which in a way sums up where the title of the movie comes from.

This second shot viewed during the opening scene of the film shows the space shuttle in which is been flown towards the sun in order to help re-ignite the suns energy in hope to save the world. In this scene the director has used a long shot to capture some of the scenery but intentionally to show the mass structure of the shuttle.

This third shot viewed during the opening scene shows one of the main characters sat in showroom of the shuttle ship (icurus II) looking out upon the sun from where he is sat. In this shot the director has used a long shot once again to show some of the foreground and background but mainly to show what the character is viewing.
This penultimate shot from the opening scene shows a medium close up shot of one of the main characters gazing upon something, the purpose of this shot is to show the characters body language, what they are wearing but mainly yo capture how there facial expressions change as the event goes on.

The final shot that i picked out from the opening scene show a extreme close up shot of one of the key characters eyes hiding behind his sunglasses which are been exposed to high levels of sunlight. In this shot the aim was to show the viewers the characters facial expressions and how his eyes begin to water and blink.

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